For Tough
Future End Time is
Not Biblical
End time questions
you hoped no one would ever ask:
I. Does your view on
the end time affect your salvation?
II. If Jesus said He
would return again in His own generation, should we
believe Him?
III. Is a future
Seven Year Tribulation wishful fantasy?
IV. If we
look for the end time when Jesus will return, then
do we still live under the Law?
V. What matters
most, author's intent or interpretation?
I. Does your view on
the end time affect your salvation?
salvation dependent upon your belief in a future end
time, tribulation or second advent? (If you are saved
by faith in Jesus Christ through His grace, and if you
also believe the Second Advent happened in the
generation of the disciples [as
believed], then this view will have no effect on
personal salvation and hope of eternal life.)
II. If Jesus said He
would return again in His own generation, should we
believe Him?
1. Did Jesus ever make a mistake? Perhaps a tiny,
inconsequential one? Could He even be wrong about
the time of His own return?
said that no man knows the exact time of My return,
only My Father, not even the Son. But He gave
His disciples plenty of signs to look for, and
promised He would return in their generation.
Jesus was wrong, or the Bible is wrong in reporting
His words, this is no minor mistake!
it's your turn to be right or wrong. Is Jesus coming
again? Or did he come when He said?
2. If the Bible is the inerrant word of God, why
do we insist Jesus and the disciples were mistaken?
Jesus consistently maintained He would return a second
time within His own generation.
As expected, the disciples preached the same
throughout the known world.
If the Second Advent did not occur by the end of the
first century, then Jesus was mistaken about His own
If the Bible is the inerrant word of God, and if Jesus
was NOT mistaken about His own return, then WE must be
mistaken to believe the second advent has not yet
If Jesus preached He would return a second time in the
first century, perhaps we ought to consider He was
III. Is a future Seven
Year Tribulation wishful fantasy?
Is biblical Christianity and a future Seven
Year Tribulation (7YT) inseparable?
If the tribulation can be shown to be entirely
fulfilled to every minute historic detail in the first
century, then predicting a biblical tribulation in OUR
future is pure fantasy, right? The first century
biblical tribulation is entirely documented in the
The Case for a First Century End Time.
IV. If we look
for the end time when Jesus will return, then do we
still live under the Law?
If the
end time is still future, then all Christians must
still be living under the Law as set forth in the Book
of the Law of Moses. According to Matthew 5:18, until
heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter
or stroke shall pass away from the Law, until all is
V. What matters most,
author's intent or interpretation?
long time ago authors intent was studied in
every English class. But this gave way to individual
interpretation. How many ways can we interpret the
Bible? As many ways as people who read it. But if the
Bible is inspired by God, then the Lord is its author.
Oh, we all love to interpret, but what ever happened
to authors intent?
Jesus preached He would return in
His own generation. How many ways can we interpret
this? Or should author's intent matter?
How do we determine author's
intent? Foremost, intent will be evident in many parts
of the work, and not just one. For example, did anyone
see Saving Private Ryan? What was the author's
intent? This picture oozed the message: "war is hell,"
wouldn't you say? After seeing that flick, I would not
be in favor of any war, unless we had a real good
If author's intent matters, check
out Time
Statements. A first century return oozes from
the New Testament.
If you prefer more
Christianity: New evidence is turning up that
Jesus did indeed return for His elect, in power and
glory during the first century. In our attempt to
place the second coming of our Lord in OUR future,
rather than the generation of the Apostles, are we
creatively altering the Bible to suit our own
Christian Dilemma: time statements: Jesus taught
that he would return a second time in the first
century. Consequently, His disciples believed and
preached He would return again in their generation.
Although the first Christians were not informed of the
day and hour of the Lord's return, Jesus provided a
time frame for His second coming. See A
Christian Dilemma: time statements for a partial
list of these time statements.
Visible Second Coming: This list of New
Testament verses shows consistent biblical intent that
first century Christians would live to see both a
literal and visible return of Christ to gather His
PARADOX: The Case for a First Century End Time.
Read the historic fulfillment of prophecy.
Seven Year Tribulation Theory: True or False? A
reevaluation of the Seven Year Tribulation Theory:
Numerous difficulties pose questions to its
Prophecy: Faulty Assumptions Faulty assumptions
distort accurate assessment of Bible prophecy. Have
you made any faulty assumptions? Check out this
PARADOX: The Case for a First Century End Time
by L.Schuldt through AMAZON.COM
the publisher.
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